reduced to that which i am not,
shown a mirror with no face,
stripped of all personhood,
i saw just how beautiful an object i really am.
you showed me this mirror, held it up to the place with no face, and i gazed deeply at my angles and facets.
knowing this beauty,
trusting your covet for it,
i’ve never felt safer than i did in your vault.
but now.
you’ve found something shinier.
are her facets more precise?
is her geometry more entrancing?
do you prefer the way you look in her reflection?
a gemstone, i have no mouth with which to voice these fears.
instead, i am lifted from my resting place with far less care and with far more haste than i was put there.
this gemstone no longer suits the collection.
i am no longer her prized possession.
a gemstone can not adorn itself.
a gemstone should adore itself.
i’m unsure if you ever knew my true beauty.