fire in those eyes
a crisp white fire
a fire so bright
that i can’t meet that gaze
i’m far too weak,
to take that pain away
there are strata of suffering
which ___ are unaware of
_____ we don’t have words for,
nor should we
hot in my veins
let me out of this flesh,
suddenly you’re not just in my head.
you have horns
you don’t sleep
you don’t want me to either
taller than i expected.
i cannot mute ______s that are not spoken with sound.
i cannot unsee
what i never chose to see.
i wrote down one fear,
and it was you.
and yet.
the primal fear
of your shadowy form
melts like ghee
in the flame of deeper horror
as i come to realize
the flame in those eyes
is the moon’s
and in mine,
the sun’s.
sometimes echoes only get louder.