2 min read

sometimes im still a child.

sometimes i can do nothing.

sometimes, i am

  ~ helpless

  ~ hopeless

  ~ disabled

what else is a child?

the world does not have room for me when i am disabled.

i am wrung out.

i am harvested.

when i fail to drip,

i am discarded.

i whine for more milk.

i whine for someone

to take

the pain away.

please take the pain away.

why does a child like me

feel like we are the only adult in sight?

maybe we’re just better at disguise.


not all children learn.

how can i abandon children?

how can i give up?

who else will take the pain away?

who else?

take the pain






love me like Govinda.

love me like your God.

teach me with your touch,

teach me with your words,

teach me nothing but the shape of true love.

i will never feel such safety until i finally fucking die.